Sub Saharan Africa – Sahel Region

Africa Sahel Region (Mali, Mauritania, Chad, Bukina Faso, Niger)

The Sahel is one of the most youthful regions in the world.  At least 65 percent of the population is below 25 years of age. With a population projected to more than double by 2050 and an average of 6.4 children per woman. The Economic growth remains insufficient to provide the education, jobs, and public services needed to improve the daily lives of all Sahelians.

Infant mortality rates are among the highest in the world. The country of Chad experiences the highest number with 85 deaths per 1000 births. Niger and Mali see 81 and 69 deaths respectively. Children cannot access health and are not being immunized against deadly diseases. Children are suffering from severe acute malnutrition are not getting lifesaving treatment..

Countries in the Sahel Region have many of the highest rates of child marriage in the world. 52% of girls in Burkina Faso, 55% in Mali and 76% in Niger are married before the age of 18. Over half of young women married in childhood. 6 in 10 newly married girls give birth before 18 years old and almost 9 out of 10 before 20 years old

The literacy rate of young people (15–24 years) in the Sahel region is only 56.95 per cent compared to an average of 76.58 per cent for sub-Saharan Africa and 91.67 per cent worldwide. This situation is exacerbated by insecurity, migration, demographics that weigh heavily on the education system in these countries, and the provision of literacy and non-formal education in particular.

Women are walking long distances , and it can take up to 20 hours or more a week to locate safe water. Most women also take care of their children, the elderly and those in ill health. These responsibilities can take around five hours a day

Displaced people are being received in communities already struggling with limited resources. As host communities swell, food and nutrition insecurity is increasing, and access to clean living situations is becoming a significant challenge. Climate shocks such as devastating floods, continue to devastate livelihoods and communities. Flooding in 2020 destroyed homes, goods, crops, and infrastructure in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. 5.4 million people will struggle with food insecurity in 2021   and 14.4 million people will require humanitarian assistance

Effect of global warming is around 50 percent more severe in the Sahel. In the last quarter of the 20th century, the region suffered the worst droughts anywhere on the planet. This has contributed to a staggering 90 per cent decline of the surface of Lake Chad over the past six decades and a race is on to stop the main source of fresh water to 40 million people across four countries from drying up.

Fall of Libyan Regime 2011 ,return of hundred of combatants  to Mali and Niger increased instability in the Sahel Weak states, poverty, existing inter-community conflicts, emerging armed (religious) group referred as Al Qaeda, AQIM,ISGS. Borders Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger considered the Sahel’s epicenter of violent activity where jihadists have “stoked inter-communal fighting.” Unclear mandate of International Security/Peace Forces impact negatively trust population, government, and own army.

Under UN Agenda on Women, Peace and Security, WIN’s action in the Regions aim at ensuring that women and girls have access to the table of negociations, that their concerns are taken into consideration .

Taking into consideration that theyare the most at risk to gender based violence and harmful normes that increase their vulnerability to abuse.